在 Android 控件
- View -
- TextView - 文本显示控件
- Button - 按钮
- CompoundButton
- CheckBox - 复选框
- RadioButton - 单选框
- ToggleButton - 开关按钮
- CompoundButton
- CheckTextView - 可选择的文本控件,在ListView中很有用
- Chronometer - 计时器
- DigitalClock - 数字时钟
- EditText - 可编辑文本控件
- AutoCompleteTextView - 自动完成文本控件
- MultiAutoCompleteTextView - 可应用分词(Tokenizer)
- ExtractEditText - Specialization of EditText for showing and interacting with the extracted(提取) text in a full-screen input method.
- AutoCompleteTextView - 自动完成文本控件
- Button - 按钮
- AnalogClock - 时钟控件,包含小时和分钟指针
- ImageView - 图像显示控件
- ImageButton - 图像按钮
- ZoomButton - 缩放按钮
- QuickContactBadge - 联系人快捷标识
- ImageButton - 图像按钮
- KeyboardView - 键盘控件
- ProgressBar - 进度条
- AbsSeekBar
- RatingBar - 评分控件
- SeekBar - 可拖动
- AbsSeekBar
- SurfaceView
- GLSurfaceView – OpenGL
- VideoView – 视频显示
- ViewGroup - View组,包含各种布局控件
- AbsoluteLayout
- WebView
- AdapterView
- AbsListView
- GridView
- ListView
- ExpandableListView
- AbsSpinner
- Gallery
- Spinner
- AbsListView
- FrameLayout
- AppWidgetHostView
- DatePicker
- GestureOverlayView
- HorizontalScrollView
- MediaController
- ScrollView
- TabHost
- TimePicker
- ViewAnimator
- ViewFlipper
- ViewSwitcher
- ImageSwitcher
- TextSwitcher
- LinearLayout
- RadioGroup
- TabWidget
- TableLayout
- TableRow
- ZoomControls
- RelativeLayout
- DialerFilter
- TwoLineListItem
- SlidingDrawer
- AbsoluteLayout
- ViewStub -
- TextView - 文本显示控件