public static String Tickets(int[] peopleInLine, int lineNo) { final String RESULT_YES = "YES"; final String RESULT_NO = "NO"; String res = null; final int twentyFive = 25; final int fifty = 50; final int oneHundred = 100; int cnt_twentyFive = 0; int cnt_fifty = 0; int cnt_oneHundred = 0; //peopleInLine = new int[]{25, 25, 50}; for (int i = 0; i < peopleInLine.length; i++) { if (peopleInLine[i] == twentyFive) { cnt_twentyFive++; } else if (peopleInLine[i] == fifty) { cnt_fifty++; } else if (peopleInLine[i] == oneHundred) { cnt_oneHundred++; } } if (cnt_oneHundred == 0 && cnt_fifty == 0 && cnt_twentyFive != 0) { res = RESULT_YES; } else if (cnt_oneHundred == 0 && cnt_fifty != 0 && cnt_twentyFive != 0) { if (cnt_fifty <= cnt_twentyFive) { res = RESULT_YES; } else { res = RESULT_NO; } } else if (cnt_oneHundred != 0 && cnt_fifty == 0 && cnt_twentyFive != 0) { if (cnt_oneHundred * 3 <= cnt_twentyFive) { res = RESULT_YES; } else { res = RESULT_NO; } } else if (cnt_oneHundred != 0 && cnt_fifty != 0 && cnt_twentyFive != 0) { if (cnt_oneHundred <= cnt_fifty && cnt_fifty * 2 <= cnt_twentyFive) { res = RESULT_YES; } else if (cnt_oneHundred > cnt_fifty && (cnt_oneHundred - cnt_fifty) * 3 <= cnt_twentyFive - cnt_fifty * 2) { res = RESULT_YES; } else { res = RESULT_NO; } } else { res = RESULT_NO; } System.out.println(" cnt_oneHundred = " + cnt_oneHundred + ", cnt_fifty = " + cnt_fifty + ", cnt_twentyFive = " + cnt_twentyFive + ", RESULT = " + res + " This Tickets" + lineNo + " is over! "); return res; } public static void main(String[] args) { // test Tickets(new int[]{25, 25, 25, 25}, 1); // lineNo.1: only have 25: YES Tickets(new int[]{25, 25, 50, 50, 25, 50}, 2); // lineNo.2: only have 25 50: cnt_fifty <= cnt_twentyFive YES Tickets(new int[]{100, 100, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25}, 3); // lineNo.3: only have 25 100: cnt_oneHundred * 3 <= cnt_twentyFive YES Tickets(new int[]{100, 50, 50, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25}, 4); // lineNo.4: have 25 50 100: cnt_oneHundred <= cnt_fifty && cnt_fifty * 2 <= cnt_twentyFive YES Tickets(new int[]{100, 100, 100, 50, 50, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25}, 5); // lineNo.5: have 25 50 100: cnt_oneHundred > cnt_fifty && (cnt_oneHundred - cnt_fifty) * 3 <= cnt_twentyFive - cnt_fifty * 2 YES Tickets(new int[]{100, 50, 50, 25, 25}, 6); // lineNo.6: NO }
cnt_oneHundred = 0, cnt_fifty = 0, cnt_twentyFive = 4, RESULT = YES This Tickets1 is over! cnt_oneHundred = 0, cnt_fifty = 3, cnt_twentyFive = 3, RESULT = YES This Tickets2 is over! cnt_oneHundred = 2, cnt_fifty = 0, cnt_twentyFive = 6, RESULT = YES This Tickets3 is over! cnt_oneHundred = 1, cnt_fifty = 2, cnt_twentyFive = 5, RESULT = YES This Tickets4 is over! cnt_oneHundred = 3, cnt_fifty = 2, cnt_twentyFive = 7, RESULT = YES This Tickets5 is over! cnt_oneHundred = 1, cnt_fifty = 2, cnt_twentyFive = 2, RESULT = NO This Tickets6 is over!