利用 shelve 模块, 你可以将 Python 程序中的变量保存到二进制的 shelf 文件中。这样, 程序就可以从硬盘中恢复变量的数据。 shelve 模块让你在程序中添加“保存”和“打开” 功能。例如, 如果运行一个程序,并输入了一些配置设置,就可以将这些设置保存到一个 shelf 文件,然后让程序下一次运行时加载它们。
import shelve import datetime d = shelve.open('shelve_test') cats = ["Zophie", "Pooka", "Simon"] d["cats"] = cats d['date'] = datetime.datetime.now() d.close()
import shelve d = shelve.open("shelve_test") # 打开一个文件 print(d["cats"]) print(d["date"])
import shelve d = shelve.open("shelve_data") # open -- file may get suffix added by low-level library key = "you" data = 250 d[key] = 250 # store data at key (overwrites old data if using an existing key) data = d[key] # retrieve a COPY of data at key (raise KeyError if no such key) del d[key] # delete data stored at key (raises KeyError if no such key) flag = key in d # true if the key exists klist = list(d.keys()) # a list of all existing keys (slow!) # as d was opened WITHOUT writeback=True, beware: d['xx'] = [0, 1, 2] # this works as expected, but... d['xx'].append(3) # *this doesn't!* -- d['xx'] is STILL [0, 1, 2]! # having opened d without writeback=True, you need to code carefully: temp = d['xx'] # extracts the copy temp.append(5) # mutates the copy d['xx'] = temp # stores the copy right back, to persist it # or, d=shelve.open(filename,writeback=True) would let you just code # d['xx'].append(5) and have it work as expected, BUT it would also # consume more memory and make the d.close() operation slower. d.close()