• 【ODT】cf896C


    Seniorious has n pieces of talisman. Willem puts them in a line, the i-th of which is an integer ai.

    In order to maintain it, Willem needs to perform m operations.

    There are four types of operations:

    • 1 l r x: For each i such that l ≤ i ≤ r, assign ai + x to ai.
    • 2 l r x: For each i such that l ≤ i ≤ r, assign x to ai.
    • 3 l r x: Print the x-th smallest number in the index range [l, r], i.e. the element at the x-th position if all the elements ai such that l ≤ i ≤ r are taken and sorted into an array of non-decreasing integers. It's guaranteed that 1 ≤ x ≤ r - l + 1.
    • 4 l r x y: Print the sum of the x-th power of ai such that l ≤ i ≤ r, modulo y, i.e. .


    The only line contains four integers n, m, seed, vmax (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 105, 0 ≤ seed < 109 + 7, 1 ≤ vmax ≤ 109).

    The initial values and operations are generated using following pseudo code:

    def rnd():

    ret = seed
    seed = (seed * 7 + 13) mod 1000000007
    return ret

    for i = 1 to n:

    a[i] = (rnd() mod vmax) + 1

    for i = 1 to m:

    op = (rnd() mod 4) + 1
    l = (rnd() mod n) + 1
    r = (rnd() mod n) + 1

    if (l > r):
    swap(l, r)

    if (op == 3):
    x = (rnd() mod (r - l + 1)) + 1
    x = (rnd() mod vmax) + 1

    if (op == 4):
    y = (rnd() mod vmax) + 1

    Here op is the type of the operation mentioned in the legend.


    For each operation of types 3 or 4, output a line containing the answer.




    具体可以参考:【毒瘤Warning】Chtholly Tree珂朵莉树详解

      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 typedef long long ll;
      3 const int maxn = 100035;
      5 struct node
      6 {
      7     int l,r;
      8     mutable ll val;
      9     node(int a=0, int b=0, ll c=0):l(a),r(b),val(c) {}
     10     bool operator < (node a) const
     11     {
     12         return l < a.l;
     13     }
     14 };
     15 typedef std::set<node>::iterator itr;
     16 int n,m,p,seed,vmax,a[maxn];
     17 std::set<node> s;
     19 int rand()
     20 {
     21     int ret = seed;
     22     seed = (seed*7ll+13)%1000000007;
     23     return ret;
     24 }
     25 ll qmi(ll a, ll b)
     26 {
     27     ll ret = 1;
     28     for (a%=p; b; b>>=1,a=1ll*a*a%p)
     29         if (b&1) ret = 1ll*ret*a%p;
     30     return ret;
     31 }
     32 itr split(int pos)
     33 {
     34     itr loc = s.lower_bound(node(pos));
     35     if (loc!=s.end()&&(*loc).l==pos) return loc;
     36     --loc;
     37     int l = (*loc).l, r = (*loc).r;
     38     ll val = (*loc).val;
     39     s.erase(loc);
     40     s.insert(node(l, pos-1, val));
     41     return s.insert(node(pos, r, val)).first;
     42 }
     43 void merge(int l, int r, int val)
     44 {
     45     itr rpos = split(r+1), lpos = split(l);
     46     s.erase(lpos, rpos);
     47     s.insert(node(l, r, val));
     48 }
     49 void modify(int l, int r, int val)
     50 {
     51     itr rpos = split(r+1), lpos = split(l);
     52     for (; lpos!=rpos; ++lpos) (*lpos).val += val;
     53 }
     54 ll getRank(int l, int r, int k)
     55 {
     56     itr rpos = split(r+1), lpos = split(l);
     57     std::vector<std::pair<ll, int> > mp;
     58     for (; lpos!=rpos; ++lpos)
     59         mp.push_back(std::make_pair((*lpos).val, (*lpos).r-(*lpos).l+1));
     60     std::sort(mp.begin(), mp.end());
     61     for (int i=0,mx=mp.size(); i<mx; i++)
     62     {
     63         k -= mp[i].second;
     64         if (k <= 0) return mp[i].first;
     65     }
     66     return -1;
     67 }
     68 int calc(int l, int r, int x)
     69 {
     70     int ret = 0;
     71     itr rpos = split(r+1), lpos = split(l);
     72     for (; lpos!=rpos; ++lpos)
     73         ret = (ret+1ll*qmi((*lpos).val, x)*((*lpos).r-(*lpos).l+1)%p)%p;
     74     return ret;
     75 }
     76 int main()
     77 {
     78     scanf("%d%d%d%d",&n,&m,&seed,&vmax);
     79     for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
     80     {
     81         a[i] = rand()%vmax+1;
     82         s.insert(node(i, i, a[i]));
     83     }
     84     s.insert(node(n+1, n+1, 0));
     85     for (int i=1,x; i<=m; i++)
     86     {
     87         int opt = rand()%4+1, l = rand()%n+1, r = rand()%n+1;
     88         if (l > r) std::swap(l, r);
     89         if (opt==3) x = rand()%(r-l+1)+1;
     90         else x = (rand()%vmax)+1;
     91         if (opt==1) modify(l, r, x);
     92         else if (opt==2) merge(l, r, x);
     93         else if (opt==3) printf("%lld
    ",getRank(l, r, x));
     94         else{
     95             p = rand()%vmax+1;
     96             printf("%d
    ",calc(l, r, x));
     97         }
     98     }
     99     return 0;
    100 }


  • 相关阅读:
    JVM + GC 一遍过
    java agent测试
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/antiquality/p/10651644.html
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