2666. Query on a tree IV
Problem code: QTREE4
You are given a tree (an acyclic undirected connected graph) with N nodes, and nodes numbered 1,2,3...,N. Each edge has an integer value assigned to it(note that the value can be negative). Each node has a color, white or black. We define dist(a, b) as the sum of the value of the edges on the path from node a to node b.
All the nodes are white initially.
We will ask you to perfrom some instructions of the following form:
- C a : change the color of node a.(from black to white or from white to black)
- A : ask for the maximum dist(a, b), both of node a and node b must be white(a can be equal to b). Obviously, as long as there is a white node, the result will alway be non negative.
- In the first line there is an integer N (N <= 100000)
- In the next N-1 lines, the i-th line describes the i-th edge: a line with three integers a b c denotes an edge between a, b of value c (-1000 <= c <= 1000)
- In the next line, there is an integer Q denotes the number of instructions (Q <= 100000)
- In the next Q lines, each line contains an instruction "C a" or "A"
For each "A" operation, write one integer representing its result. If there is no white node in the tree, you should write "They have disappeared.".
Input: 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 7 A C 1 A C 2 A C 3 A Output: 2 2 0 They have disappeared.
那么怎么做呢? 我们将这棵树重构,就不会那么退化得厉害了.
1 #include<cstdlib> 2 #include<cstdio> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<cstring> 5 #include<queue> 6 #include<cctype> 7 #include<ctime> 8 using namespace std; 9 const int maxn = (int)4e5, inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; 10 struct E{ 11 int t,w,last; 12 }e[maxn * 8][3]; 13 int last[maxn * 8][3],edg[3]={1,1,1},ext; 14 void add1(int x,int y,int w){ 15 e[++edg[ext]][ext] = (E){y,w,last[x][ext]}; last[x][ext] = edg[ext]; 16 } 17 void add(int x,int y,int w){ 18 add1(x,y,w); add1(y,x,w); 19 } 20 int getint(){ 21 int ret = 0,t = 1; char ch = getchar(); 22 while(!isdigit(ch)) t = ch == '-' ? -1 : t, ch = getchar(); 23 while(isdigit(ch)) ret = ret * 10 + ch - '0', ch = getchar(); 24 return ret * t; 25 } 26 int n,img; 27 int col[maxn * 4]; 28 void rebuild(int x,int fa){ 29 int las = x; 30 for(int i = last[x][0]; i; i = e[i][0].last) 31 if(e[i][0].t != fa){ 32 if(i == last[x][0]) add(x,e[i][0].t,e[i][0].w); 33 else col[++img] = 1, add(las,img,0), add(img,e[i][0].t,e[i][0].w),las = img; 34 } 35 for(int i = last[x][0]; i; i = e[i][0].last) 36 if(e[i][0].t != fa) rebuild(e[i][0].t, x); 37 } 38 struct D{ 39 int x,dis; 40 bool operator <(const D &b) const{ 41 return dis < b.dis; 42 } 43 }; 44 struct SEG{ 45 int ans; 46 int l,r,mid; 47 priority_queue<D>q; 48 void pop(){ 49 while(!q.empty() && col[q.top().x] == 1) q.pop(); 50 } 51 }T[maxn * 4]; 52 int cnt,mid,node,tmax,p; 53 int sz[maxn * 4],vis[maxn * 8]; 54 void pushup(int x){ 55 T[x].ans = -1; 56 T[x].pop(); 57 int l = T[x].l, r = T[x].r; 58 if(l == 0 && r == 0){ 59 if(!T[x].q.empty()) T[x].ans = 0; 60 }else{ 61 if(T[x].ans < T[l].ans) T[x].ans = T[l].ans; 62 if(T[x].ans < T[r].ans) T[x].ans = T[r].ans; 63 if(!T[l].q.empty() && !T[r].q.empty()) 64 T[x].ans = max(T[x].ans, T[l].q.top().dis + T[r].q.top().dis + T[x].mid); 65 } 66 } 67 void getsize(int x,int fa,int dis){ 68 sz[x] = 1; 69 add1(x,p,dis); 70 if(col[x] == 0) T[p].q.push((D){x,dis}); 71 for(int i = last[x][1]; i; i = e[i][1].last) 72 if(e[i][1].t != fa && !vis[i]){ 73 getsize(e[i][1].t, x, dis + e[i][1].w); 74 sz[x] += sz[e[i][1].t]; 75 } 76 } 77 void getmid(int x,int id){ 78 int Max = max(sz[x], node - sz[x]); 79 if(tmax > Max) tmax = Max, mid = id; 80 for(int i = last[x][1]; i; i = e[i][1].last) 81 if(!vis[i] && i != id && i != (id^1)) getmid(e[i][1].t, i); 82 } 83 void work(int tp,int x){ 84 p = tp; 85 getsize(x,0,0); 86 tmax = inf; node = sz[x]; getmid(x,mid = 0); 87 vis[mid] = vis[mid^1] = 1; 88 if(mid){ 89 int l = e[mid][1].t, r = e[mid^1][1].t; 90 T[tp].mid = e[mid][1].w; 91 work(T[tp].l = ++cnt, l); 92 work(T[tp].r = ++cnt, r); 93 } 94 pushup(tp); 95 } 96 void solve(){ 97 int Q = getint(),x; 98 char ch; 99 while(Q--){ 100 scanf("%c ",&ch); 101 if(ch == 'A'){ 102 if(T[1].ans >= 0) printf("%d ",T[1].ans); 103 else printf("They have disappeared. "); 104 } 105 else{ 106 x = getint(); 107 col[x] ^= 1; 108 for(int i = last[x][2]; i; i = e[i][2].last){ 109 if(col[x] == 0)T[e[i][2].t].q.push((D){x,e[i][2].w}); 110 pushup(e[i][2].t); 111 } 112 } 113 } 114 } 115 int main() 116 { 117 freopen("qtree.in","r",stdin); 118 freopen("qtree.out","w",stdout); 119 img = n = getint(); 120 for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i){ 121 int u = getint(), v = getint(), w = getint(); 122 add(u,v,w); 123 } 124 ext = 1; rebuild(1,0); 125 ext = 2; work(cnt = 1, 1); 126 solve(); 127 return 0; 128 }