• 9.28-10.04

    /主要是图算法方面的, BFS. DFS. 生成树. 最短路径. 二分图. 最大流. 差分约束之类。

    1.Catch That Cow

     1 //直接BFS即可。 注意n>k的情况
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <string>
     4 #include <cstdio>
     5 #include <cstring>
     6 #include <algorithm>
     7 #include <queue>
     8 #include <vector>
     9 #include <set>
    10 #include <map>
    11 #include <cstdlib>
    13 using namespace std;
    15 int n, k;
    17 int main()
    18 {
    19     int ans = 1000000000;
    20     while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &k))
    21     {
    22         ans = abs(n-k);
    23         if (n >= k)
    24         {
    25             printf("%d
    ", ans);
    26             continue;
    27         }
    28         queue<pair<int, int> > qu;
    29         while (!qu.empty()) qu.pop();
    30         set<int> st;
    31         qu.push(make_pair(n, 0));
    32         st.insert(n);
    33         while (!qu.empty())
    34         {
    35             int fir = qu.front().first;
    36             int sec = qu.front().second;
    37             if (ans <= sec) break;
    38             if (fir == k)
    39             {
    40                 ans = sec;
    41                 break;
    42             }
    43             else if (fir < k)
    44             {
    45                 if (st.count(fir-1) == 0) qu.push(make_pair(fir-1, sec+1)), st.insertfir-1);
    46                 if (st.count(fir*2) == 0) qu.push(make_pair(2*fir, sec+1)), st.insert(2*fir);
    47                 if (st.count(fir+1) == 0) qu.push(make_pair(fir+1, sec+1)), st.insert(fir+1);
    48             }
    49             else ans = min(fir-k+sec, ans);
    50             qu.pop();
    51         }
    52         printf("%d
    ", ans);
    53     }
    55     return 0;
    56 }
    View Code

     2.Children of the Candy Corn

      1 //Left && Right分着写的,懒得再合起来了。BFS即可。
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <string>
      4 #include <cstdio>
      5 #include <cstring>
      6 #include <algorithm>
      7 #include <queue>
      8 #include <vector>
      9 #include <set>
     10 #include <map>
     11 #include <cstdlib>
     13 using namespace std;
     15 const int maxn = 45;
     16 char g[maxn][maxn];
     17 int vis[maxn][maxn];
     18 int t, m, n;
     19 int sx, sy, ex, ey;
     21 void init()
     22 {
     23     for (int i = 0 ; i < maxn; ++i)
     24         for (int j = 0; j < maxn; ++j)
     25             g[i][j] = '#';
     26 }
     28 int workLeft()
     29 {
     30     int dir[4][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}};
     31     int p = 0, x = sx, y = sy, d = 1;
     32     if (sx == 1) p = 0;
     33     else if (sy == n) p = 1;
     34     else if (sx == m) p = 2;
     35     else p = 3;
     36     while (x != ex || y != ey)
     37     {
     38         d++;
     39         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
     40         {
     41             int xx = x + dir[(n+4-1)%4][0];
     42             int yy = y + dir[(n+4-1)%4][1];
     43             if (g[xx][yy] != '#') 
     44             {
     45                 x = xx, y = yy, n = (n+4-1)%4;
     46                 break;
     47             }
     48             else n = (n+1)%4;
     49         }
     50     }
     51     return d;
     52 }
     54 int workRight()
     55 {
     56     int dir[4][2] = {{0, -1}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}};
     57     int x = sx, y = sy, d = 1;
     58     int p = 0;
     59     if (sx == 0) p = 0;
     60     else if (sy == 1) p = 1;
     61     else if (sx == m) p = 2;
     62     else p = 3;
     63     while (x != ex || y != ey)
     64     {
     65         d++;
     66         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
     67         {
     68             int xx = x + dir[(n+4-1)%4][0];
     69             int yy = y + dir[(n+4-1)%4][1];
     70             if (g[xx][yy] != '#')
     71             {
     72                 x = xx, y = yy, n = (n+4-1)%4;
     73                 break;
     74             }
     75             else n = (n+1)%4;
     76         }
     77     }    
     78     return d;
     79 }
     81 int workBest()
     82 {
     83     int dir[4][2] = {{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}};
     84     memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
     85     queue<pair<pair<int, int>, int> > qu;
     86     qu.push(make_pair(make_pair(sx, sy), 1));
     87     vis[sx][sy] = 1;
     88      while (!qu.empty())
     89     {
     90         int x = qu.front().first.first;
     91         int y = qu.front().first.second;
     92         int d = qu.front().second;
     93         qu.pop();
     94         if (x == ex && y == ey) return d;
     95         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
     96         {
     97             int xx = x + dir[i][0];
     98             int yy = y + dir[i][1];
     99             if (!vis[xx][yy] && g[xx][yy] != '#')
    100             {
    101                 qu.push(make_pair(make_pair(xx, yy), d+1));
    102                 vis[xx][yy] = 1;        
    103             }
    104         }
    105     }
    106 }
    108 int main()
    109 {
    110     scanf("%d", &t);
    111     while (t--)
    112     {
    113         init();
    114         scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
    115         for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i)
    116         {
    117             getchar();
    118             for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
    119             {
    120                 scanf("%c", &g[i][j]);
    121                 if (g[i][j] == 'S')
    122                     sx = i, sy = j;
    123                 if (g[i][j] == 'E')
    124                     ex = i, ey = j;
    125             }
    126         }
    127         printf("%d %d %d
    ", workLeft(), workRight(), workBest());
    128     }    
    130     return 0;
    131 }
    View Code

     3.Currency Exchange

     1 //Bellman-Ford的变形
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <string>
     4 #include <cstdio>
     5 #include <cstring>
     6 #include <algorithm>
     7 #include <queue>
     8 #include <vector>
     9 #include <set>
    10 #include <map>
    11 #include <cstdlib>
    13 using namespace std;
    15 const int maxn = 105;
    17 class Node
    18 {
    19 public:
    20     int a, b;
    21     double r, c;    
    22     Node(int aa, int bb, double rr, double cc): a(aa), b(bb), r(rr), c(cc){}
    23 };
    25 vector<Node> vec;
    26 double dis[maxn];
    27 double v;
    28 int n, m, s;
    30 void bellmanFord()
    31 {
    32     memset(dis, 0, sizeof(dis));
    33     dis[s] = v;
    34     for (int i = 1; i <= n-1; ++i)
    35     {
    36         for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); ++j)
    37             dis[vec[j].b] = max(dis[vec[j].b] ,(dis[vec[j].a]-vec[j].c)*vec[j].r);
    38     }
    40     for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
    41     {
    42         if (dis[vec[i].b] < (dis[vec[i].a]-vec[i].c)*vec[i].r)
    43         {
    44             printf("YES
    45             return ;
    46         }
    47     }
    48     puts("NO");
    49 }
    51 int main()
    52 {
    53     while (~scanf("%d%d%d%lf", &n, &m, &s, &v))
    54     {
    55         vec.clear();
    56         int a, b;
    57         double r1, c1, r2, c2;
    58         for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    59         {
    60             scanf("%d%d%lf%lf%lf%lf", &a, &b, &r1, &c1, &r2, &c2);
    61             Node node1(a, b, r1, c1), node2(b, a, r2, c2);
    62             vec.push_back(node1), vec.push_back(node2);
    63         }    
    64         bellmanFord();
    65     }    
    67     return 0;
    68 }
    View Code


     1 //依旧是BellmanFord即可,不过题目数据太差了,n的数据量不是500,所以开大dis数组即可。
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <string>
     4 #include <cstdio>
     5 #include <cstring>
     6 #include <algorithm>
     7 #include <queue>
     8 #include <vector>
     9 #include <set>
    10 #include <map>
    11 #include <cstdlib>
    13 using namespace std;
    15 #define INF 1e9
    16 const int maxn = 10015;
    18 class Lode
    19 {
    20 public:
    21     int s, e, t;
    22     Node(int ss, int ee, int tt): s(ss), e(ee), t(tt){}
    23 };
    24 vector<Node> vec;
    25 int f, n, m, w;
    26 int dis[maxn];
    28 void init()
    29 {
    30     vec.clear();
    31     for (int i = 0; i < maxn; ++i)
    32         dis[i] = INF;
    33 }
    35 void bellmanFord()
    36 {
    37     dis[1] = 0;
    38     for (int i = 1; i < n-1; ++i)
    39     {
    40         for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); ++j)
    41             dis[vec[j].e] = min(dis[vec[j].e], dis[vec[j].s]+vec[j].t);
    42     }
    43     for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
    44     {
    45         if (dis[vec[i].e] > dis[vec[i].s] + vec[i].t)
    46         {
    47             puts("YES");
    48             return ;
    49         }
    50     }
    51     puts("NO");
    52 }
    54 int main()
    55 {
    56     scanf("%d", &f);
    57     while (f--)
    58     {
    59         init();
    60         scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &w);
    61         int s, e, t;
    62         for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    63         {
    64             scanf("%d%d%d", &s, &e, &t);
    65             Node node1(s, e, t);
    66             vec.push_back(node1);
    67             Node node2(e, s, t);
    68             vec.push_back(node2);             
    69         }
    70         for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
    71         {
    72             scanf("%d%d%d", &s, &e, &t);
    73             Node node(s, e, -t);
    74             vec.push_back(node);
    75         }
    76         bellmanFord();
    77     }
    79     return 0;
    80 }
    View Code


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <string>
     3 #include <cstdio>
     4 #include <cstring>
     5 #include <algorithm>
     6 #include <queue>
     7 #include <vector>
     8 #include <set>
     9 #include <map>
    10 #include <cstdlib>
    12 using namespace std;
    14 #define INF 1e9
    15 const int maxn = 105;
    17 int price[maxn], g[maxn][maxn], level[maxn];
    18 int dis[maxn], vis[maxn];
    19 int n, m, ans;
    21 void init()
    22 {
    23     memset(price, 0, sizeof(price));
    24     memset(level, 0, sizeof(level));
    25     for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
    26         for (int j = 0; j <= n; ++j)
    27             g[i][j] = INF;
    28 }
    30 int dijkstra()
    31 {
    32     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    33         dis[i] = price[i];
    34     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    35     {
    36         int temp = INF, x;
    37         for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
    38             if (!vis[j] && dis[j] < temp)
    39                 temp = dis[x = j];
    40         vis[x] = 1;
    41         for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
    42             if (dis[x]+g[x][j] < dis[j] && !vis[j])
    43                 dis[j] = dis[x]+g[x][j];
    44     }
    45     return dis[1];
    46 }
    48 int main()
    49 {
    50     while (~scanf("%d%d", &m, &n))
    51     {
    52         init();
    53         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    54         {
    55             int x;
    56             scanf("%d%d%d", &price[i], &level[i], &x);
    57             for (int j = 0; j < x; ++j)
    58             {
    59                 int t, v;
    60                 scanf("%d%d", &t, &v);
    61                 g[t][i] = v;
    62             }
    63             g[0][i] = price[i];
    64         }
    65         ans = INF;
    66         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    67         {
    68             int minl = level[i];
    69             for<span> (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
    70             {
    71                 if (level[j]-minl > m || minl > level[j]) vis[j] = 1;
    72                 else vis[j] = 0;
    73             }
    74             int now = dijkstra();
    75             ans = min(now, ans);
    76         }
    77         printf("%d
    ", ans);
    78     }
    80     return 0;
    81 }
    View Code


     1 //差分约束系统,差分约数系统的含义,其实就是如果有n个变量在m个形如aj-ai>=bk条件下,求解的此不等式的方法。而这种不等式的解法其实就是转化为图论的最小路的算法求解的。
     2 根据题意可得不等式//Sbi - Sai >= ci//Si - Si-1 >= 0//Si-1 - Si >= -1
     3 #include <iostream>
     4 #include <string>
     5 #include <cstdio>
     6 #include <cstring>
     7 #include <algorithm>
     8 #include <queue>
     9/span> #include <vector>
    10 #include <set>
    11 #include <map>
    12 #include <cstdlib>
    14 using namespace std;
    16 #define INF 1000000007
    17 #define MIN(a, b) (a > b ? b : a)
    18 #define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
    19 #define MAXN 50005
    20 const int maxn = 50005;
    21 struct Edge
    22 {
    23     int v;
    24     int w;
    25     int next;
    26 }edge[MAXN*3];
    27 int head[MAXN], d[MAXN], vis[MAXN];
    28 int n, t, source, target;
    30 void init()
    31 {
    32     memset(edge, 0, sizeof(edge));
    33     memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
    34     memset(head, -1, sizeof(head));
    35     t = 0;
    36     source = INF, target = -INF;
    37 }
    39 void addEdge(int u, int v, int w)
    40 {
    41     edge[t].v = v;
    42     edge[t].w = w;
    43     edge[t].next = head[u];
    44     head[u] = t++;
    45 }
    47 void spfa()
    48 {
    49     for (int i = source; i <= target; ++i) d[i] = -INF;
    50     d[source] = 0;
    51     queue<int> qu;
    52     qu.push(source);
    53     while (!qu.empty())
    54     {
    55         int x = qu.front();
    56         qu.pop();
    57         vis[x] = 0;
    58         for (int e = head[x]; e != -1; e = edge[e].next)
    59             if (d[edge[e].v] < d[x]+edge[e].w)
    60             {
    61                 d[edge[e].v] = d[x] + edge[e].w;
    62                 if (!vis[edge[e].v])
    63                 {
    64                     qu.push(edge[e].v);
    65                     vis[edge[e].v] = 1;
    66                 }
    67             }
    68     }
    69 }
    71 int main()
    72 {
    73     int u, v, w;
    74     init();
    75     scanf("%d", &n);
    76     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    77     {
    78         scanf("%d%d%d", &u, &v, &w);
    79         addEdge(u, v+1, w);
    80         source = min(u, source);
    81         target = max(v+1, target);
    82     }
    83     for (int i = source; i < target; ++i)
    84     {
    85         addEdge(i, i+1, 0);
    86         addEdge(i+1, i, -1);    
    87     }
    88     spfa();
    89     printf("%d
    ", d[target]);
    91     return 0;
    92 }
    View Code

     7.World Exhibition

      1 //差分约束,脑残了,一开始一直拿着带输出测试数据的代码提交,一直wa。。。隐含条件Aj-Ai=无穷大,Ai-Aj<=0
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <string>
      4 #include <cstdio>
      5 #include <cstring>
      6 #include <algorithm>
      7 #include <queue>
      8 #include <vector>
      9 #include <set>
     10 #include <map>
     11 #include <cstdlib>
     13 using namespace std;
     15 #define INF 1000000007
     16 #define MIN(a, b) (a > b ? b : a)
     17 #define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
     18 #define MAXN 1005
     19 #define maxn 10005
     20 struct Edge
     21 {
     22     int v;
     23     int w;
     24     int next;
     25 }edge[maxn*3];
     26 int vis[MAXN], d[MAXN], head[MAXN], use[MAXN];
     27 int t, T, n;
     29 void init()
     30 {
     31     t = 0;
     32     memset(edge, 0, sizeof(edge));
     33     for (int i = 0; i < MAXN; ++i)
     34         use[i] = 0, vis[i] = 0, d[i] = INF, head[i] = -1;
     35 }
     37 void addEdge(int u, int v, int w)
     38 {
     39     edge[t].v = v;
     40     edge[t].w = w;
     41     edge[t].next = head[u];
     42     head[u] = t++;    
     43 }
     45 int spfa()
     46 {
     47     queue<int> qu;
     48     while (!qu.empty()) qu.pop();
     49     d[1] = 0;
     50     qu.push(1);
     51     while (!qu.empty())
     52     {
     53         int x = qu.front();
     54         qu.pop();
     55         vis[x] = 0;
     56         for (int e = head[x]; e != -1; e = edge[e].next)
     57         {
     58             if (d[edge[e].v] > d[x]+edge[e].w)
     59             {
     60                 d[edge[e].v] = d[x]+edge[e].w;
     61                 if (!vis[edge[e].v])
     62                 {
     63                     qu.push(edge[e].v);
     64                     vis[edge[e].v] = 1;
     65                     if (++use[edge[e].v] > n) return -1;
     66                 }
     67             }
     68         }    
     69     }
     70     if (d[n] == INF) return -2;
     71     return d[n];
     72 }
     74 int main()
     75 {
     76     scanf("%d", &T);
     77     while (T--)
     78     {
     79         init();
     80         int x, y;
     81         scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &x, &y);
     82         int a, b, c;
     83         for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i)
     84         {
     85             scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);
     86             addEdge(a, b, c);
     87         }
     88         for (int i = 0; i < y; ++i)
     89         {
     90             scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);
     91             addEdge(b, a, -c);
     92         }
     93         for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
     94         {
     95             addEdge(i-1, i, INF);
     96             addEdge(i, i-1, 0);
     97         }
     98         printf("%d
    ", spfa());
     99     }    
    101     return 0;
    102 }
    View Code

     8.Schedule Problem

      1 //差分约束,构建不等式然后选取最长路。我觉得这题不严谨。。比如FAF 1 2  2 1,我觉得应该是impossible...但是。。。
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <cstdio>
      4 #include <algorithm>
      5 #include <string>
      6 #include <cstring>
      7 #include <set>
      8 #include <stdint.h>
      9 #include <utility>
     10 #include <map>
     11 #include <cstdlib>
     12 #include <queue>
     13 #include <vector>
     14 #include <numeric>
     15 #include <list>
     16 #include <bitset>
     17 #include <exception>
     18 #include <istream>
     19 #include <ostream>
     20 #include <stdexcept>
     21 #include <functional>
     22 #include <stack>
     23 #include <unordered_set>
     25 #define LL long long int
     26 using namespace std;
     29 #define MEM memset
     30 #define MAX (a > b ? a : b)
     31 #define MIN (a < b ? a : b)
     32 #define MAXN 200000
     33 #define LL long long int
     34 #define INF 1000000007
     36 struct Edge
     37 {
     38     int v;
     39     int w;
     40     int next;
     41 }edge[MAXN];
     42 int d[MAXN], vis[MAXN], use[MAXN], weight[MAXN], head[MAXN], in[MAXN];
     43 int ncas, n, t, a1, a2;
     44 char ch[10];
     46 void init()
     47 {
     48     t = 0;
     49     memset(edge, 0, sizeof(edge));
     50     for (int i = 0; i < MAXN; ++i)
     51         vis[i] = weight[i] = use[i] = in[i] = 0, d[i] = -INF, head[i] = -1;
     52 }
     54 void addEdge(int u, int v, int w)
     55 {
     56     edge[t].v = v;
     57     edge[t].w = w;
     58     edge[t].next = head[u];
     59     head[u] = t++;
     60 }
     62 void judge()
     63 {
     64     in[a1]++;
     65     if (strcmp(ch,"SAF") == 0) addEdge(a2, a1, weight[a2]);
     66     else if (strcmp(ch, "FAF") == 0) addEdge(a2, a1, weight[a2]-weight[a1]);
     67     else if (strcmp(ch, "FAS") == 0) addEdge(a2, a1, -weight[a1]);
     68     else addEdge(a2, a1, 0);
     69 }
     71 int spfa()
     72 {
     73     int s = 0;
     74     queue<int> qu;
     75     while (!qu.empty()) qu.pop();
     76     d[s] = 0;
     77     qu.push(s);
     78     vis[s] = 1;
     79     while (!qu.empty())
     80     {
     81         int x = qu.front();
     82         qu.pop();
     83         vis[x] = 0;
     84         use[x]++;
     85         if (use[x] > n) return 1;
     86         for (int e = head[x]; e != -1; e = edge[e].next)
     87         {
     88             if (d[edge[e].v] < d[x]+edge[e].w)
     89             {
     90                 d[edge[e].v] = d[x]+edge[e].w;
     91                 if (!vis[edge[e].v])
     92                 {
     93                     qu.push(edge[e].v);
     94                     vis[edge[e].v] = 1;
     95                 }
     96             }
     97         }
     98     }
     99     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    100         printf("%d %d
    ", i, d[i]);
    101     return 0;
    102 }
    104 int main()
    105 {
    106     ncas = 1;
    107     while (~scanf("%d", &n) && n)
    108     {
    109         init();
    110         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    111             scanf("%d", &weight[i]);
    112         while (scanf("%s", ch) && ch[0] != '#')
    113         {
    114             scanf("%d %d", &a1, &a2);
    115             judge();
    116         }
    117         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    118             addEdge(0, i, 0);
    119         printf("Case %d:
    ", ncas++);
    120         if (spfa()) puts("impossible");
    121         puts("");
    122     }
    124     return 0;
    125 }
    View Code

     9.Truck History

     1 //Prim算法
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <cstdio>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <string>
     6 #include <cstring>
     7 #include <set>
     8 #include <utility>
     9 #include <map>
    10 #include <cstdlib>
    11 #include <queue>
    12 #include <vector>
    13 #include <numeric>
    14 #include <list>
    15 #include <bitset>
    16 #include <exception>
    17 #include <istream>
    18 #include <ostream>
    19 #include <qtdexcept>
    20 #include <functional>
    21 #include <stack>
    23 #define LL long long int
    24 using namespace std;
    27 #define MEM memset
    28 #define MAX (a > b ? a : b)
    29 #define MIN (a < b ? a : b)
    30 #define MAXN 2010
    31 #define LL long long int
    32 #define INF 1000000007
    34 int g[MAXN][MAXN];
    35 int d[MAXN], vis[MAXN];
    36 char ch[MAXN][10];
    37 int n;
    39 void init()
    40 {
    41     memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
    42     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    43         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    44         {
    45             if (i == j) g[i][j] = 0;
    46             else
    47             {
    48                 int cnt = 0;
    49                 for (int k = 0; k < 7; ++k)
    50                     if (ch[i][k] != ch[j][k]) cnt++;
    51                 g[i][j] = g[j][i] = cnt;
    52             }
    53         }
    54     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    55         d[i] = g[0][i];
    56 }
    58 int prim()
    59 {
    60     init();
    61     int k = 0, idx, len, ans = 0;
    62     vis[k] = 1;
    63     for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
    64     {
    65         len = INF;
    66         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    67             if (!vis[j] && d[j] < len)
    68                 len = d[idx = j];
    69         ans += len;
    70         vis[idx] = 1;
    71         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    72             if (!vis[j] && g[idx][j] < d[j])
    73                 d[j] = g[idx][j];
    74     }
    75     return ans;
    76 }
    78 int main()
    79 {
    80     while (~scanf("%d", &n) && n)
    81     {
    82         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    83             scanf("%s", ch[i]);
    84         printf("The highest possible quality is 1/%d.
    ", prim());
    85     }
    87     return 0;
    88 }
    View Code


     1 //Prim算法
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <cstdio>
     4 #include <cstdlib>
     5 #include <algorithm>
     6 #include <string>
     7 #include <cstring>
     9 using namespace std;
    11 #define INF 1000000007
    12 #define MAXN 505
    13 #define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
    14 #define MIN(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
    16 int t, n;
    17 int d[MAXN], vis[MAXN];
    18 int g[MAXN][MAXN];
    20 void init()
    21 {
    22     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    23         d[i] = g[0][i], vis[i] = 0;
    24 }
    26 int prim()
    27 {
    28     init();
    29     int ans = -INF;
    30     vis[0] = 1;
    31     for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
    32     {
    33         int min_cost = INF, idx = 0;
    34         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    35             if (!vis[j] && d[j] < min_cost)
    36                 min_cost = d[idx = j];
    37         ans = max(ans, min_cost);
    38         vis[idx] = 1;
    39         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    40             if (!vis[j] && d[j] > g[idx][j])
    41                 d[j] = g[idx][j];
    42     }
    43     return ans;
    44 }
    46 int main()
    47 {
    49     scanf("%d", &t);
    50     while (t--)
    51     {
    52         scanf("%d", &n);
    53         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    54             for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    55                 scanf("%d", &g[i][j]);
    56         printf("%d
    ", prim());
    57     }
    59     return 0;
    60 }
    View Code


     1 //prim算法
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <cstdio>
     4 #include <cstdlib>
     5 #include <algorithm>
     6 #include <string>
     7 #include <cstring>
     9 using namespace std;
    11 #define INF 1000000007
    12 #define MAXN 105
    13 #define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
    14 #define MIN(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
    16 int n;
    17 int d[MAXN], vis[MAXN];
    18 int g[MAXN][MAXN];
    20 void init()
    21 {
    22     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    23         d[i] = g[0][i], vis[i] = 0;
    24 }
    26 int prim()
    27 {
    28     init();
    29     int ans = 0;
    30     vis[0] = 1;
    31     for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
    32     {
    33         int min_cost = INF, idx = 0;
    34         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    35             if (!vis[j] && d[j] < min_cost)
    36                 min_cost = d[idx = j];
    37         ans += min_cost;
    38         vis[idx] = 1;
    39         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    40             if (!vis[j] && d[j] > g[idx][j])
    41                 d[j] = g[idx][j];
    42     }
    43     return ans;
    44 }
    46 int main()
    47 {
    48     while (~scanf("%d", $amp;n))
    49     {
    50         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    51         for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    52             scanf("%d", &g[i][j]);
    53         printf("%d
    ", prim());
    54     }
    56     return 0;
    57 }
    View Code


     1 //Kruskal算法 与上面prim对比一下
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <cstdio>
     4 #include <cstdlib>
     5 #include <algorithm>
     6 #include <string>
     7 #include <cstring>
     9 using namespace std;
    11 #define INF 1000000007
    12 #define MAXN 105
    13 #define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
    14 #define MIN(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
    16 struct Edge
    17 {
    18     int u;
    19     int v;
    20     int w;
    21 }edge[MAXN*MAXN];
    22 int n;
    23 int father[MAXN];
    25 int cmp(const void* a, const void* b)
    26 {
    27     return ((Edge*)a)->w - ((Edge*)b)->w;
    28 }
    30 int findFather(int val)
    31 {
    32     if (father[val] == val) return val;
    33     return father[val] = findFather(father[val]);
    34 }
    36 void unionFather(int x, int y)
    37 {
    38     int xx = findFather(x);
    39     int yy = findFather(y);
    40     father[xx] = father[yy];
    41 }
    43 int main()
    44 {
    45     while (~scanf("%d", &n))
    46     {
    47         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    48             for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    49             {
    50                 scanf("%d", &edge[i*n+j].w);
    51                 edge[i*n+j].u = i, edge[i*n+j].v = j;
    52             }
    53         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) father[i] = i;
    54         qsort(edge, n*n, sizeof(Edge), cmp);
    55         int ans = 0;
    56         for (int i = 0; i < n*n; ++i)
    57         {
    58             if (edge[i].u >= edge[i].v) continue;
    59             if (findFather(edge[i].u) != findFather(edge[i].v))
    60             {
    61                 ans += edge[i].w;
    62                 unionFather(edge[i].u, edge[i].v);
    63             }
    64         }
    65         printf("%d
    ", ans);
    66     }
    68     return 0;
    69 }
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  • 相关阅读:
    关于OR Mapping
    开发源码的数据库群集中间件 CJDBC
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JustForCS/p/4843281.html
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