static Image Left_Edge = Properties.Resources.crumb_left_end; static Image Body = Properties.Resources.crumb_body; static Image Right_Edge = Properties.Resources.crumb_right_end; static Image Right_Triangle = Properties.Resources.crumb_right_point; static Image Selected_Left_Edge = Properties.Resources.selected_crumb_left_end; static Image Selected_Body = Properties.Resources.selected_crumb_body; static Image Selected_Right_Edge = Properties.Resources.selected_crumb_right_end; static Image Selected_Right_Triangle = Properties.Resources.selected_crumb_right_point; static Image Hovered_Left_Edge = Properties.Resources.hovered_crumb_left_end; static Image Hovered_Body = Properties.Resources.hovered_crumb_body; static Image Hovered_Right_Edge = Properties.Resources.hovered_crumb_right_end; static Image Hovered_Right_Triangle = Properties.Resources.hovered_crumb_right_point; static Image Clicked_Left_Edge = Properties.Resources.clicked_crumb_left_end; static Image Clicked_Body = Properties.Resources.clicked_crumb_body; static Image Clicked_Right_Edge = Properties.Resources.clicked_crumb_right_end; static Image Clicked_Right_Triangle = Properties.Resources.clicked_crumb_right_point;
protected override Size DefaultSize { get { var w = (c == null ? (this.Controls.Count == 0 ? 3 : 15) : Math.Max(15, c.Width)) + (this.CheckBox ? 24 : 0) + (this.img != null ? img.Width : 0) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text) ? TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.Text, this.Font).Width : 0) + (this.Parent is Crumb ? 13 : 0); return new Size(this.Controls.Count > 0 ? w : Math.Max(w, this.Width), 24); } }
索引嵌套中被单击的碎屑的索引。点击了SenderThe crumb。在被点击之前是否检查了crumb。获取或设置事件后碎屑的检查状态。如果ChecksOnClick为真,则没有任何效果。ChecksOnClickGets或设置crumb是否应该在单击时切换其检查状态。如果这个属性为真,那么不管您在事件参数中说什么,crumb的检查状态总是会转移到另一个状态。此事件通过订阅子节点的CrumbClick事件传递给父节点。事件的代码是这样的:
EventHandler<crumbclickeventargs> childClick = new EventHandler<crumbclickeventargs>(c_Click); static void c_Click(object sender, CrumbClickEventArgs e) { if ((sender as Crumb).Parent is Crumb) { ((sender as Crumb).Parent as Crumb).OnCrumbClick(e); } }
public Boolean Checked { get { return chk; } set { if (!nocc) { nocc = true; Crumb cr = this.Child; while (cr != null) { cr.Checked = false; cr = cr.Child; } cr = this.Parent as Crumb; while (cr != null && cr is Crumb) { cr.Checked = false; cr = cr.Parent as Crumb; } nocc = false; } chk = value; Refresh(); } }
public static float dc(PaintEventArgs e, Color foreColor, float x = 0f, string text = "", Image img = null, bool clicked = false, bool hovered = false, bool chk = false, bool chkbox = false, float width = 0f, Font font = null, bool tai = true, ContentAlignment ta = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, ContentAlignment ia = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, bool pt = false, bool ch = true) { if (font == null) { font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont; } width = Math.Max((ch ? 15 : 3) + (chkbox ? 24 : 0) + (img != null ? img.Width : 0) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font).Width : 0) + (pt ? 13 : 0), width); if (clicked) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Clicked_Left_Edge, x, 0); for (int i = (int)x + Crumb.Clicked_Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Clicked_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Clicked_Right_Edge).Width; i++) e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Clicked_Body, i, 0); e.Graphics.DrawImage(ch ? Crumb.Clicked_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Clicked_Right_Edge, x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Clicked_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Clicked_Right_Edge).Width, 0); } else if (hovered) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Hovered_Left_Edge, x, 0); for (int i = (int)x + Crumb.Hovered_Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Hovered_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Hovered_Right_Edge).Width; i++) e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Hovered_Body, i, 0); e.Graphics.DrawImage((ch ? Crumb.Hovered_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Hovered_Right_Edge), x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Hovered_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Hovered_Right_Edge).Width, 0); } else if (chk && !chkbox) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Selected_Left_Edge, x, 0); for (int i = (int)x + Crumb.Selected_Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Selected_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Selected_Right_Edge).Width; i++) e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Selected_Body, i, 0); e.Graphics.DrawImage((ch ? Crumb.Selected_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Selected_Right_Edge), x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Selected_Right_Triangle : Crumb.Selected_Right_Edge).Width, 0); } else { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Left_Edge, x, 0); for (int i = (int)x + Crumb.Left_Edge.Width; i <= x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Right_Triangle : Crumb.Right_Edge).Width; i++) e.Graphics.DrawImage(Crumb.Body, i, 0); e.Graphics.DrawImage((ch ? Crumb.Right_Triangle : Crumb.Right_Edge), x + width - (ch ? Crumb.Right_Triangle : Crumb.Right_Edge).Width, 0); } if (chkbox) { var st = chk ? (clicked ? System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedPressed : System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal) : (clicked ? System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedPressed : System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal); var sz = CheckBoxRenderer.GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, st); CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point((int)(x + (pt ? 13 : 0) + (24 - sz.Height) / 2), (24 - sz.Height) / 2), st); } if (tai) { dit(e, foreColor, x + (pt ? 13 : 0), ta, text, font, chkbox, width, ia, img); } else { di(e, x, img, ia, chkbox, width); dt(e, foreColor, x + (pt ? 13 : 0), ta, text, font, chkbox, width); } return width; }
private static void dt(PaintEventArgs e, Color foreColor, float x = 0f, ContentAlignment txta = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, string text = "", Font font = null, bool chkbox = false, float width = 0f) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { PointF p = new PointF(); var s = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, font); switch (txta) { case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - s.Width) / 2, 21 - s.Height); break; case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft: p = new PointF(x + (chkbox ? 24 : 3), 21 - s.Height); break; case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - s.Width, 21 - s.Height); break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - s.Width) / 2, (24 - s.Height) / 2); break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft: p = new PointF(x + (chkbox ? 24 : 3), (24 - s.Height) / 2); break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - s.Width, (24 - s.Height) / 2); break; case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - s.Width) / 2, 3); break; case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: p = new PointF(x + (chkbox ? 24 : 3), 3); break; case ContentAlignment.TopRight: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - s.Width, 3); break; } using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(foreColor)) e.Graphics.DrawString(text, font, b, p); } }
private static void di(PaintEventArgs e, float x = 0f, Image img = null, ContentAlignment imga = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, bool chkbox = false, float width = 0f) { if (img != null) { PointF p = new Point(); switch (imga) { case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - img.Width) / 2, 21 - img.Height); break; case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft: p = new PointF(x + (chkbox ? 24 : 3), 21 - img.Height); break; case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - img.Width, 21 - img.Height); break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - img.Width) / 2, (24 - img.Height) / 2); break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft: p = new PointF(x + (chkbox ? 24 : 3), (24 - img.Height) / 2); break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - img.Width, (24 - img.Height) / 2); break; case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - img.Width) / 2, 3); break; case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: p = new PointF(x + (chkbox ? 24 : 3), 3); break; case ContentAlignment.TopRight: p = new PointF(x + ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - img.Width, 3); break; } e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, p); } }
private static void dit(PaintEventArgs e, Color foreColor, float x = 0f, ContentAlignment txta = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, string text = "", Font font = null, bool chkbox = false, float width = 0f, ContentAlignment imga = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, Image img = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { if (img != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { float w = 0, h = 0, ht = 0; var s = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, font); switch (txta) { case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter: w = ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - s.Width - img.Width) / 2; h = 21 - img.Height; ht = 21 - s.Height; break; case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft: w = chkbox ? 24 : 3; h = 21 - img.Height; ht = 21 - s.Height; break; case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: w = ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - s.Width - img.Width; h = 21 - img.Height; ht = 21 - s.Height; break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter: w = ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - s.Width - img.Width) / 2; h = (24 - img.Height) / 2; ht = (24 - s.Height) / 2; break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft: w = chkbox ? 24 : 3; h = (24 - img.Height) / 2; ht = (24 - s.Height) / 2; break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: w = ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - s.Width - img.Width; h = (24 - img.Height) / 2; ht = (24 - s.Height) / 2; break; case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: w = ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15 - s.Width - img.Width) / 2; h = ht = 3; break; case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: w = chkbox ? 24 : 3; h = ht = 3; break; case ContentAlignment.TopRight: w = ((chkbox ? (width - 24) : width) - 15) - s.Width - img.Width; h = ht = 3; break; } w += x; e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, w, h); using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(foreColor)) e.Graphics.DrawString(text, font, b, w + img.Width, ht); } } else { dt(e, foreColor, x, txta, text, font, chkbox, width); } } else { di(e, x, img, imga, chkbox, width); } }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { Crumb.dc(e, this.ForeColor, 0, Text, this.img, this.clicked, this.hovered, this.chk, this.chkbox, this.c == null ? this.Width : (this.Width - this.c.Width), this.Font, this.tai, this.txta, this.imga, this.Parent is Crumb, this.Controls.Count > 0); base.OnPaint(e); }
- ClickedHoveredChecked/Selected(如果没有复选框)(如果有,复选框将显示已选中/未选中)正常
PaintEventHandler childPaint = new PaintEventHandler(c_Paint); //Really, this is required for unsubscribing from the event. //Does it sound right to unsubscribe a NEW DELEGATE from an event? static void c_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { var c = sender as Crumb; if (c.Parent != null && c.Parent is Crumb) { var p = c.Parent as Crumb; dc(e, Color.Black, -25f, 38f, hovered: p.hovered, clicked: p.clicked, chk: p.chk, chkbox: p.chkbox); } }
- 11/28/2010 -首次发布。
- 12/1/2010 -更新的文章与代码讨论。
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