private int SendClusterCommand(string nodeAddress, int port, string cmd, bool bQuiet = false) { int ResponseCode = 1; TcpClient nodeClient = new TcpClient(); if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Log(string.Format("Sending command {0} to {1}...", cmd, nodeAddress)); } try { // Connect to the listener nodeClient.Connect(nodeAddress, port); NetworkStream networkStream = nodeClient.GetStream(); byte[] OutData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd); byte[] OutSize = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)OutData.Length); networkStream.Write(OutSize, 0, OutSize.Length); networkStream.Write(OutData, 0, OutData.Length); AppLogger.Log("Event sent"); byte[] InLength = new byte[2]; int InBytesCount = networkStream.Read(InLength, 0, 2); AppLogger.Log("Received " + InBytesCount + " bytes"); int MessageSize = InLength[0] + ((UInt16)InLength[1] << 8); byte[] InData = new byte[MessageSize]; InBytesCount = networkStream.Read(InData, 0, MessageSize); AppLogger.Log("Received " + InBytesCount + " bytes"); string Response = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(InData, 0, InBytesCount); AppLogger.Log("Response " + Response); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Log("An error occurred while sending a command to " + nodeAddress + ". EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message); } } finally { nodeClient.Close(); } return ResponseCode; }
"Category" : "",
"Type" : "",
"Name" : "",
名称(Name)、类型(Type) 和 类别(Category) 字段为必填字段,但可以忽略参数(Parameters)字段。
具体写法可以使用nDisplayLauncher发送一个Cluster Event然后看日志: