When the Vuex store grows, it can have many mutations, actions and getters, belonging to different contexts.
Vuex allows you to split your store into different contexts by using modules.
In this lesson we’ll see how can we split the store in multiple Vuex modules using TypeScript
From the code we have before:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import todos, {getters, mutations, actions} from './todos';
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import {todos} from './todos'; Vue.use(Vuex); export default new Vuex.Store({ modules: { todos, } });
You can put 'getters, actions, mutations, state' into 'modules' which has many features as key
modules: {
todos: {getters, actions, state, mutations},
login : {getters, actions, state, mutations},
Todo store:
import {GetterTree, MutationTree} from 'vuex'; import {State} from '../types'; import {Todo} from '../types'; const state: State = { todos: [ {text: 'Buy milk', checked: false}, {text: 'Learning', checked: true}, {text: 'Algorithom', checked: false}, ], }; const getters: GetterTree<State, any> = { todos: state => state.todos.filter(t => !t.checked), dones: state => state.todos.filter(t => t.checked) }; const mutations: MutationTree<State> = { addTodo(state, newTodo) { const copy = { ...newTodo }; state.todos.push(copy); }, toggleTodo(state, todo) { todo.checked = !todo.checked; } }; const actions: ActionTree<tate, any> = { addTodoAsync(context, id) { fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/'+id) .then(data => data.json()) .then(item => { const todo: Todo = { checked: false, text: item.title } context.commit('addTodo', todo); }) } } export const todos = { actions, state, mutations, getters };