• ArcGIS runtime SDK for Android

    arcgis 手机安卓端开发








    public final class MapView
    extends GeoView
    A MapView renders the data from an ArcGISMap in an Android layout, and allows users to interact with the map.

    MapView indirectly inherits from android's ViewGroup; in a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, use it to represent the MVC view, and the ArcGISMap to represent the MVC model. You can define the size and layout properties of a MapView in layout XML, or create it programmatically. In either case, call setMap to set the content to be displayed. The mapview will automatically load the map, its basemap, operational layers, and display their contents on screen. Refer to the ArcGISMap class for more information.

    MapView inherits from GeoView and adds 2D specific methods for map navigation that set the visible area of the map (the current extent) by setting a Viewpoint. For example, setViewpointGeometryAsync zooms the map to the extent of a geometry, and setViewpointCenterAsync zooms the map to a given scale, centered at the given Point. More setViewpoint methods are available, including overloads where an animation duration can be specified. Geometries passed to these methods will be automatically re-projected if required. Use isNavigating or NavigationChangedListener to determine if navigation is ongoing or completed. Once navigation is complete, get the new viewpoint from getCurrentViewPoint.

    By default, you can pan, zoom, and rotate the map using a set of standard gestures like double-tap and pinch; for more details see DefaultMapViewOnTouchListener. You can also override standard gestures by creating your own touch listener class. To do this, either implement MapView.OnTouchListener, or inherit from DefaultMapViewOnTouchListener, and pass an instance of your touch listener class to setOnTouchListener.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/5igis/p/5igis_12571.html
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